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Documents and Style Files for JSCE

Site Map for site map. Press keyb to return to my Home Page. Information of updated pages.
2photos If you are looking for pictures of bridges or something else, please try this ([*]) page.

gouser This page introduces documents and LATEX style files related activities in JSCE.


pin Education of Structural Mechanics
pin Education of Mechanics
pin Paper Review and Request of Corrections
pin Journal of Structural Engineering
pin Journal of Applied Mechanics
pin Transaction of Annual Meeting
pin Proceedings of JSCE
pin Manual of Style Files
pin Related Style Files
pin Strange Reaction from JSCE to TeX Users

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intro Education of Structural Mechanics

doc There used to exist a committee about this topic. The followings are summary of discussions and reports. Source files are all written in LATEX and in Japanese.

This dwnld source file can be compiled to obtain the memo used at the anual JSCE meeting at Kyushu Sangyo Univ. in 1993. Its dwnld PostScript file and dwnld pdf file are also available. Its report to the Transaction of JSCE can be also extracted from dwnld this source file. Its dwnld PostScript file and dwnld pdf file exist, too.

The final report of this committee might be found in the Library of JSCE, Yotsuya Tokyo. Many `good problems' and their `answers' in Structural Mechanics are given in this document. If you can compile LATEX source, dwnld this source file can be used. Its dwnld PostScript file and dwnld pdf file can also be obtained. A brief summary of this report was published in the Proceedings of JSCE (No.513/I-31, pp. 1-7, 1995.4), and its dwnld source file is also written in LATEX. And its dwnld PostScript file and dwnld pdf file are also available.

html If you want to read and download the documents above in Japanese using browser, the memo of discussion page, the report to the Transaction page, and the last report are located in this site. This page shows the last report published to the Proceedings of JSCE.
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intro Education of Mechanics

doc Within the Applied Mechanics Committee, there used to exist one sub-committee about education of mechanics (chairman; Prof. Tobita at Tohoku Gakuin University). During discussion on the Mailing List, I made a joke web page for education utilizing WWW functions.

html This committee gave a panel discussion in the 46th anual meeting of the Society of Applied Mechanics held at Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi in Jan 29, 1997. This report shows the summary of the discussion. Its dwnld PostScript file and dwnld pdf file are also available.
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intro Paper Review and Request of Corrections

getdisk For convenience to the reviewer, this dwnld style file can be used to report his review to the editorial committee. One style file can be used for both Proceedings of JSCE and Journal of Structural Engineering. An optional style file longtable.sty is necessary.
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intro Journal of Structural Engineering

getbinary This dwnld style file is to write a camera-ready manuscript for the J. of Str. Eng. Although templates are provided within the archive, the usage manual can be found in this page ([*]). An optional style file indent.sty is needed.

At submission, one must fill in a form to be sent to the editorial committee, and this dwnld style file helps you to make it in LATEX. Updated information must be viewed at the Home Page of JSCE before using this file. Optional style files multirow.sty and fancybox.sty are necessary.

Probably you had better use dwnld this version after August of 2000. This macro automatically creates txt file for email.

Once your paper is accepted, another form must be handed in. dwnld This style file may be helpful. An optional style file fancybox.sty is needed.

At the same time, one must submit an answer sheet to the questions from reviewers. dwnld This style file helps you to make it. An optional style file longtable.sty is necessary.
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intro Journal of Applied Mechanics

getbinary This dwnld style file can be used to make a camera-ready manuscript for the Journal of Applied Mechanics in LATEX. Usage manual is found at the page ([*]). But before you do something, please look at the Home Page of JSCE An additional style file indent.sty is needed.

At submission, one must fill in a form to be sent to the editorial board. dwnld This style file may be convenient for you. This macro automatically creates txt file for email.
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intro Transaction of Annual Meeting

getbinary This dwnld style file is for the manuscript for the Transaction of the JSCE Annual Meeting. Usage manual is also given in the page ([*]).
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intro Proceedings of JSCE

getdisk Both an optional style file and an application form in LATEXare now available at dwnld the Web Page of the editorial board of JSCE.
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intro Manual of Style Files

getdiskThis dwnld manual explains how to make a LATEX file to create manuscripts for several Journals of JSCE. This file CANNOT be re-distributed. You must NOT give this file to others. Distribution is supported ONLY through this web page by individual access. For your convenience, its dwnld PostScript file and dwnld pdf file are also availble.
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intro Related Style Files

doc Let's enumerate related style files here.

getbinary For dwnld a table longer than one page.

getbinary This dwnld program is necessary to extract style files from distributed document file of MZ-series style files.

getbinary For dwnld strings in a box with several choices of line patterns.

getbinary For dwnld multirows within a table.

getdisk For the left and/or right marginal dwnld indentation of text body within one document.
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info Strange Reaction from JSCE to TeX Users JSCE officials claimed that my macro could NOT yield proper manuscript so that I stopped distribution of my style files. Although the output using this style file is much more beautiful and appropriate for the Journals than other outputs already published in the Journals from a viewpoint of typesetting quality, they still claim badness of this style file, they keep telling authors to revise the manuscript, and moreover they have not been cooperative to my request for revision. They have never told me, the author of the style file, which part was not appropriate. So that I stopped the distribution.

From July of 2003, the style files including LATEX2e version are distributed by the JSCE editorial board. Both an optional style file and an application form in LATEXare now available at dwnld the Web Page of the editorial board of JSCE.

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Iwakuma Tetsuo
Tue, 16 Jun 2015 06:59:42 +0900 : Stardate [-27]2359.58