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英国で大学院レベルの構造系の学生にやらせて, 正解率の平均が 36 から 49% であった.下図は,英国における 比較的成績の悪い学生の解答例である.

問題によっては間違いが容易に指摘できるものもあるが, No. 13, 15, 18 の 3 題などは成績の良い院生でさえ共通して 間違えたものである.この引用文献で指摘された重要な結論は, 原文ままで紹介すると以下のようであった.

General conclusions

It now only remains to consider the lessons which have been learnt from these extended developments of a test of ability and a learning package, both of which relate to an analytical approach to work which cannot be quantified.

Having studied what has been described as the topic of qualitative analysis, and by considering it as a separate item in a structural engineering curriculum, the writers have reached a number of interim conclusions:

  1. The qualitative analysis of structures is an important topic in a structural engineering curriculum, Neglect of this section of the syllabus will entail the production of graduates whose `understanding' of structural behaviour in unacceptably weak, when assessed by standards which are generally accepted in the profession.
  2. Qualitative analysis is unlikely to be learnt as a byproduct of quantitative analysis. It is worthy of consideration and treatment in its own right, and requires special attention in the curriculum.
  3. The existence of varied personal preferences or inclinations, leading to radically different individual problem-solving methods in qualitative analysis, can greatly complicate the choice of teaching strategies in this field. New and unusual methods of teaching may well prove more effective in teaching qualitative analysis than do conventional approaches.

さらに,土木学会誌 1985 年 12 月号掲載の「Prüfstatik の必要性」 における例題もふたつ挙げられたが,既出版であることを考え省略した.

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Tetsuo Iwakuma
Sat May 2 11:16:35 JST 1998; Stardate [-30]1090.4