Style Files' Page for LaTeX209
Styleuse.TeX and Bear-Collections
Numbers in parentheses indicate section numbers of the Japanese
version of styleuse.tex and its supplement.
I suppose most files with the same name are available
for LaTeX2e in one of CTAN servers.
You can search key words in my pages on this site.
3. Page Style
- Double Space: doublespace.sty (3.1)
- To set spacings for double-spaced documents
- Direction of Pages: portland.sty (3.2)
- To change direction of the page in either portrait or landscape mode
- Header/Footer: fancyheadings.sty (3.3)
- To redefine both header and footer
- Last Page Number: nofm.sty (3.4)
- To attach the last page number in page
- Documents in 7, 8 or 9pt: xarticle.sty (3.5)
- To typeset documents with the smaller default size
- Line Number: numline.sty (3.6)
- To show line number in every 5 lines
- Ragged-Right: raggedright.sty (3.7)
- To relax right-alignment of the text body
- Cross-Reference: showkeys.sty (3.8)
- To show labels etc. for checking of cross-references
- Character at Given Position: at.sty (3.9)
- To put characters at the specified position of the page
- Character at Given Position: fillform.sty (3.9)
- To put characters at the specified position of the page
- Concatenation of Source Files: cllctdpp.sty (3.10)
- To joint multiple document sources
- Address at Given Position: meinbrf.sty (3.11)
- To put address at the specified position;e.g. for envelopes with small windows
- Address at Given Position: brief.sty (3.11)
- To put address at the specified position;e.g. for envelopes with small windows
- Mail Merge: formlett.sty (3.12)
- To write almost the same letters to many different receivers
- Manual Page: manpage.sty (3.13)
- To make manual pages like UNIX's man-pages
- Elsevier: espart.sty (3.14)
- Style file for publication in one of the technical journals by Elsevier
- Answer Book: answers.sty (3.15)
- To make an answer book
- Answer Book: ans.sty (3.15)
- To make an answer book
- Answer Book: exercise.sty (3.15)
- To make an answer book
- Examination Paper: exam.sty (3.15)
- To make an examination paper
- Recipe: recipe.sty (3.15)
- To make a recipe (cooking) book
- Resume: resume.sty (3.15)
- To write a personal record
- Vita: vita.sty (3.15)
- To write a personal record
- Schedule: schedule.sty (3.15)
- To write a simple schedule table
- JJAP: jjap.sty (?)
- Style file for publication in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Society
- Page Size: pagesize.sty (S2.1)
- To set the page size
- Double Space: setspace.sty (S2.1)
- To set spacings for double-spaced documents
- Information in Header: fwlw.sty (S2.2)
- To put some information of the page in the header
- Manual Page: unixman.sty (S2.4)
- To make manual pages like UNIX's man-pages
- Letter Head with Logo: tohoku.sty (S2.4)
- To include logos in letter head, fax-sheet etc.
4. Title
- One-Column in Two-Column: 1-in-2.sty (4.3)
- To put one-column footnote, abstract and keywords in two-column documents
5. Table of Contents
- Table of Contents in each Chapter: minitoc.sty (5.5)
- To put tables of contents at the beginning of each chapter in book style
7. Main Body
- Emphasis of Paragraph: drop.sty (7.1)
- To let the first character of the paragraph big
- Emphasis of Paragraph: egdrop.sty (7.1)
- To let the first character of the paragraph big
- Indentation and Margins: indent.sty (7.1)
- To set indentation and/or margins of each paragraph
- Shape of Paragraph: shapepar.sty (7.1)
- To typeset paragraphs in a specific shape
- Paragraph Number: numberpar.sty (7.1)
- To put number at the beginning of each paragraph
- Long Underlines: ulem.sty (7.2)
- To make it possible to span underlines, wavy underlines and scratch-out onto several lines
- Long Underlines in Japanese Documents: juline.sty (7.2)
- To make it possible to span underlines onto several lines
- Scratch-Out in Japanese Documents: strike.sty (7.2)
- To put scratch-out marks on characters
- Wavy Underline: undtilde.sty (7.2)
- To put tilde underneath characters
- Double Underline: uuline.sty (7.2)
- To put double underlins
- Multi-Columns: multicol.sty (7.3)
- To mix one-column and two-column parts in one document or to set more-than-three-column documents
- Bilingual Documents: multicolpar.sty (7.3)
- Every consecutive two paragraphs (possibly written in different
languages) are typeset side-by-side in two-column mode
- Ruby: nruby.sty (7.4)
- To attach ruby
- Spacing after Italic: italic.sty (7.5)
- To adjust spacing after italic word
- German: german.sty (7.7)
- To assist easier input of German
- French: french.sty (7.7)
- To assist easier input of French
- Russian: sscyr.sty (7.7)
- To assist easier input of Russian
- Multiple-Lines verbatim: path.sty (7.8)
- To make long verbatim in multiple-lines possible
- Command in verbatim Environment: alltt.sty (7.8)
- To activate commands in verbatim environment
- Command in verbatim Environment: astyped.sty (7.8)
- To activate commands in verbatim environment
- Comment-Out: version.sty (7.9)
- To comment out some parts of documents
- Comment-Out: comment.sty (7.9)
- To comment out some parts of documents
- End Notes: endnote.sty (7.10)
- To move footnotes to the end of the document
- End Notes: endnotes.sty (7.10)
- To move footnotes to the end of the document
- End Floats: endfloat.sty (7.10)
- To move floats to the end of the document
- Parallel Footnotes: fnpara.sty (7.10)
- To align short footnotes on the same line
- Hanging Indent: hanging.tex (7.10)
- To allow hanging indent for long footnotes
- Footnotes in tabular Environment: ftn.sty (7.10)
- To activate footnotes output in tabular environment
- Footnotes at the Right: ftnright.sty (7.11)
- To put all the footnotes at the right column in two-column documents
- Program Listing: verbatimfiles.sty (7.13)
- To show program listings
- C Program Listing: cprog.sty (7.13)
- To show C program listings neatly
- Algorithm: algorithms.sty (7.14)
- To show the flow of algorithm
- Algorithm: algorithm.sty (7.16)
- To show the flow of algorithm
- Program Listing: program.sty (7.16)
- To assist program listing
- Long verbatim: url.sty (S3.1)
- To allow long verbatim such as long URL's
- Framing Lines: keisen.sty (S3.2)
- To make framed documents
- Symposium Program: tasklist.sty (S3.3)
- To output some kind of task lists and symposium programs
- Emphasis of Paragraph: dropcaps.sty (S3.4)
- To let the first character of the paragraph big
- Cross-Reference between Files: xr.sty (S3.5)
- To make the cross-reference between different documents possible
8. Mathematics
- Subequation: subeqn.sty (8.1)
- To put sub-numbering to multi-line equations
- Subequation: subeqnarray.sty (8.1)
- To put sub-numbering to multi-line equations
- Subequation: manyeqns.sty (8.1)
- eqnarray environment with sub-numbering
- Cases: cases.sty (8.1)
- To use wub-numbering and big brace to express cases
- Leaders: dot-eqns.sty (8.2)
- To add leaders between equation and its number
- Matrix: tpmatrix.tex (8.4)
- A tip to code matrices
- Matrix Expression: delarray.sty (8.4)
- To set alignment between matrices
- Big Horizontal Braces: ovudbraces.sty (8.5)
- To divide a part of equation by putting big braces above or below it
- Real Number Calculation: eclarith.sty (8.8)
- To calculate real numbers
- Chemistry: chemtex.sty (8.9)
- To assist input of chemical formulae
- Chemistry: chemstruct.sty (8.9)
- To assist input of chemical formulae
- Adjustable Right-Arrows: dchem.sty (8.9)
- Adjustable Right-Arrow with strings above and below it
- Symbols in AmSTeX: amssymbols.sty (8.12)
- To use symbols in AmSTeX
- Integral Sign: bigint.sty (8.13)
- Bigger and upright integral sign
- Area Integral: multiint.sty (8.13)
- Double integral sign with a character below
- Closed Area Integral: Ointint.sty (8.13)
- To show a closed area integral sign
- Black-Board Fonts: pmbb-sym.sty (8.14)
- To use black-board type of fonts without any extra installation
- Cummutative Diagram: cd.sty (8.15)
- Cummutative diagram
- Cummutative Diagram: diagram.sty (8.15)
- Cummutative diagram
- Cummutative Diagram: diagrams.sty (8.15)
- Cummutative diagram
- Flow of Proof: proof.sty (8.16)
- To draw flow chart for proof
- Approximate Inequality: ltgtsim.sty (?)
- To show an approximate inequality sign
- Cases: cases-2e.sty (?)
- Cases in LaTeX2e?
- Settings in Math: mathtech.sty (S4.1)
- To adjust some settings in math mode
- Division: longdiv.sty (S4.2)
- To show division process
- Real Number Calculation: fp.sty (S4.3)
- To calculate real numbers
- Multiple Super-Dots: ddot.sty (S4.4)
- To put multiple super-dots above characters
- Cross-Reference Check: refcheck.sty (?)
- To find out labels unreferred
9. List Environment
- Symbols in Labels of enumerate: enumerate.sty (9.1)
- To add symbols in labels of enumerated items
- Symbols in Labels of enumerate: enumspec.sty (9.1)
- To add a symbol in front of enumerated items
- Adjustment of list environment: jeep.sty (9.2)
- An example of adjustment of list environments
10. Floats (Figures and Tables)
- Hanging Indent of Caption: hangcaption.sty (10.1)
- To use hanging indentation in caption
- Specific Position of Floats: here.sty (10.2)
- To force position of figures/tables
- Float Frame: wrapfig.sty (10.4)
- To open a frame for floats in the text body
- Float Frame: wrapfloat.sty (10.4)
- To open a frame for floats in the text body
- Float Frame: cut.sty (10.4)
- To open a frame for floats in the text body
- Float Frame: picinpar.sty (10.4)
- To open a frame for floats in the text body
- Float Frame: floatfig.sty (10.4)
- To open a frame for floats in the text body
- Float Frame: picins.sty (10.4)
- To open a frame for floats in the text body
- Long Table: supertab.note (10.5)
- To span a long table onto multiple pages
- Long Table: supertabular.sty (10.5)
- To span a long table onto multiple pages
- Long Table: supertabular-longtable.tex (10.5)
- Usage of supertabular and longtable
- Long Table: longtable.sty (10.5)
- To span a long table onto multiple pages
- Long Table: bigtabular.sty (10.5)
- To span a long table onto multiple pages
- Simple Flow Chart: smallgrf.sty (10.6)
- To draw a simple flow chart for algorithm
- Flow Chart: Flow.sty (10.6)
- To draw a flow chart
- Flow Chart: fchart.sty (10.6)
- To draw a flow chart
- Tree: ecltree.sty (10.6)
- To draw a vertical tree diagram
- Tree: tree.sty (10.6)
- To draw a horizontal tree diagram
- Tree: eclclass.sty (10.6)
- To draw a horizontal tree diagram
- Bar Graph: bar.sty (10.6)
- To draw a bar graph
- Bar Graph: bargraph.tex (10.6)
- Usage of bar.sty
- Vertical Dash Line: arydshln.sty (10.7)
- To use vertical dash lines in tabular
- Decimal Point Alignment: dectab.sty (10.9)
- To align decimal points in a table
- Decimal Point Alignment: decalign.sty (10.9)
- To align decimal points in a table
- Decimal Point Alignment: dcolumn.sty (10.11)
- To align decimal points in a table
- Width of Table: tabularx.sty (10.10)
- To set width of table
- Improvement of Tables: array.sty (10.11)
- To improve input for table environment
- Improvement of Tables: mz5array.tex (10.11)
- To improve input for table environment
- Diagonal Line in Top-Left Cell: slashbox.sty (10.12)
- To set a diagonal line in the top-left cell of a table
- Subnumbering for Figures: subfigure.sty (10.13)
- To use subnumbering for figures
- Subnumbering for Floats: subfloat.sty (10.13)
- To use subnumbering for floats
- New Float: float.sty (10.14)
- To define a new float environment
- Xbitmap Data: bitmap.sty (10.15)
- To show Xbitmap data as a symbol
- Drawing with METAFONT: drawing.sty (10.15)
- To draw pictures by METAFONT
- EPS File: epsf.sty (10.15)
- To set an EPSF picture in the page
- epic: epic.sty (10.15)
- extended picture environment (bug-fix version)
- eepic: eepic.sty (10.15)
- extended epic environment with TPIC (bug-fix version)
- Emulation of eepic: ecleepic.sty (10.15)
- To emulate TPIC commands like eepicemu.sty for device-independent output
- eepicsup: eepicsup.sty (10.16)
- addition of new TPIC commands used in dviout/prt onto eepic.sty
- More Floats: morefloats.sty (10.18)
- To relax maximum number of floats in a page
- Usage of Qfig and Gra2eepic: oekaki.tex (?)
- Usage of a drawing soft Qfig and a graphic-data converter Gra2eepic
- Lines in Tables: hhline.sty (?)
- To add more flexibility to the lines in tables
- Extension of picture Environment: curves.sty (?)
- To extend picture environment independently to devices and drivers
- Shading in Table: sha.sty (S5.1)
- To put shading in cells of tables (device independent)
- Spacing in Table: tabls.sty (S5.2)
- To adjust spacing in tabular environment
- Multi-Row Cell: multirow.sty (S5.3)
- To make a multi-row cell easily in a table
- Brace in Table: bigbrace.sty (S5.3)
- To use braces in a multi-row cell
- Extension of picture Environment: pmgraph.sty (S5.4)
- To extend picture environment independently to devices and drivers
11. Boxes
- Paragraph in the Box: boxit.sty (11.1)
- To put paragraphs in the box
- minipage in the Box: boxedminipage.sty (11.2)
- To enclose minipage environment in a box
- Rounded Box: loval.sty (11.3)
- To enclose a string in a rounded box
- Rounded Box: oval.sty (11.3)
- To enclose a string in a rounded box with extra fonts created by METAFONT
- Rounded Box: ascmac.sty (11.4)
- To enclose a string in a rounded box
- Box with Title: tboxit.sty (11.5)
- To surround a box of strings and put a title above it
- Floats in the Box: bigbox.sty (11.6)
- To put floats in the box
- Shaded Boxes: shadow.sty (11.7)
- To put lines of strings into a box with shadow
- Shading: shadedbx.sty (11.8)
- To put shading on strings using TPIC specials
- Shading: shadebox.sty (11.8)
- To put shading on strings
- Rotation of Strings: tpicrot.sty (11.9)
- To rotate strings using TPIC specials
- Framing of Paragraphs across Pages: eclbkbox.sty (11.10)
- To frame paragraphs which span multiple pages
- Cropmark: cropmark.sty (11.11)
- To put cropmarks in the margins
- Grid and Cropmarks: pageframe.sty (11.11)
- To put grid and cropmarks in the page
- Many Boxes: fancybox.sty (11.11)
- To put a string, lines of strings and one page into a framed box with patterns such as shadow etc.
12. References and Citations
- Citation Number at Superscript: overcite.sty (12.1)
- To put citation numbers at the superscript
- Sorting Citations: cite.sty (12.3)
- To sort citation numbers
- Bibliography in each Chapter: chapterbib.sty (12.4)
- To put bibliography listing in each chapter of the book
- Bibliography in each Chapter: bibunits.sty (12.4)
- To put bibliography listing in each chapter of the book
- Bibliography in each Chapter: bibperinclude.sty (12.4)
- To put bibliography listing in each chapter of the book
- Chicago Style: chicago.sty (12.6)
- To use Chicago style of bibliography and citation
- Index and Glossary: index.sty (12.7)
- To include many index listings
- Reference Check: refcheck.sty (?)
- To find out labels unreferenced etc.
- Harvard Style: harvard.sty (?)
- To use Harvard style of bibliography and citation
13. Useful Macros
- Date: ukdate.sty (13.1)
- To express date in British way
- Week: weekday.sty Error occurs after 200 year. Hope someone fix it.(13.1)
- To output week
- Date: austdate.sty (13.1)
- To express date in Austrarian way
- Date and Time: daytime.sty (13.2)
- To output date and time at compilation
- Time: time.sty (13.2)
- To output time at compilation
- Time: mickeytime.sty (13.2)
- To let Mickey-Mouse clock express time
- Ordinal Number: ordinalno.sty (13.5)
- To express ordinal number as, for example, 1st and 2nd
- Comma in Number: sumofmoney.sty (13.6)
- To put commas in number at every 3-digit
- Comma in Number: numbersty.sty (13.6)
- To put commas in number at every 3-digit or convert it into hexadecimal number
- Covered Binding: 2up.sty (13.8)
- To put two-pages into one page to make covered binding
- OHP Transparency: eslides.sty (13.9)
- To make OHP transparencies
- OHP Transparency: lslide.sty (13.9)
- To make OHP transparencies
- OHP Transparency: seminar.sty (13.9)
- To make OHP transparencies with many options
- Poster: poster.tex (13.10)
- To make a poster with A4 size printer output
- Output Page: selectp.sty (13.11)
- To specify the page to be output at compilation
- Hexadecimal Number: hex.tex (?)
- To express numbers in hexadecimal
- Calendar: eclcalen.sty (?)
- To make a calendar
- doc to style files: docstrip.tex (?)
- To extract style files and other documents from doc file in Meinz projedt
- Covered Binding: leaflet.sty (S2.3)
- Several options for covered bindings
- Calendar: calprog.sty (S3.6)
- To make a calendar
14. Fonts
- My Fonts Sub-Directory
- To jump to the sub-directory for fonts
- Boldface Sans Selif: bsf.sty (14.2)
- To use boldface sans selif fonts
- Non Standard Fonts Settings: fontfam.lzh (14.2)
- To activate size settings for non-standard fonts
- Italic Sans Selif: isf.sty (14.2)
- To use italic sans selif fonts
- Emphasis by Slanted Chars: slem.sty (14.2)
- To show emphasized strings by slanted font
- Extra Characters: sprite.sty (14.4)
- To output extra characters which are not defined in the ordinary character tables
- Symbol Table: symbols.tex (14.6)
- Symbol table with AmSTeX fonts
- Standard Symbols: latexsymbols.tex (14.6)
- List of standard symbols in LaTeX
- Quote by Inch Symbol: quote.sty (14.7)
- To convert a pair of inch symbols into quotation marks
- Logo Marks in TeX: texnames.sty (14.8)
- Logo Marks in TeX
- Bar Code: bc128.sty (S6.2)
- To create bar codes
- Key Board: keybox.sty (S6.3)
- To create key-board marks
- Extra Characters: xbmkanji.sty (S6.4)
- To output extra characters which are not defined in the ordinary character tables using Xbitmap format or pattern format
Tetsuo Iwakuma
Tue May 4 13:36:01 JST 1999; Stardate [-30]2925.95