Style Files' Page for LaTeX209

Styleuse.TeX and Bear-Collections

Numbers in parentheses indicate section numbers of the Japanese version of styleuse.tex and its supplement. I suppose most files with the same name are available for LaTeX2e in one of CTAN servers. You can search key words in my pages on this site.

3. Page Style

Double Space: doublespace.sty (3.1)
To set spacings for double-spaced documents

Direction of Pages: portland.sty (3.2)
To change direction of the page in either portrait or landscape mode

Header/Footer: fancyheadings.sty (3.3)
To redefine both header and footer

Last Page Number: nofm.sty (3.4)
To attach the last page number in page

Documents in 7, 8 or 9pt: xarticle.sty (3.5)
To typeset documents with the smaller default size

Line Number: numline.sty (3.6)
To show line number in every 5 lines

Ragged-Right: raggedright.sty (3.7)
To relax right-alignment of the text body

Cross-Reference: showkeys.sty (3.8)
To show labels etc. for checking of cross-references

Character at Given Position: at.sty (3.9)
To put characters at the specified position of the page

Character at Given Position: fillform.sty (3.9)
To put characters at the specified position of the page

Concatenation of Source Files: cllctdpp.sty (3.10)
To joint multiple document sources

Address at Given Position: meinbrf.sty (3.11)
To put address at the specified position;e.g. for envelopes with small windows

Address at Given Position: brief.sty (3.11)
To put address at the specified position;e.g. for envelopes with small windows

Mail Merge: formlett.sty (3.12)
To write almost the same letters to many different receivers

Manual Page: manpage.sty (3.13)
To make manual pages like UNIX's man-pages

Elsevier: espart.sty (3.14)
Style file for publication in one of the technical journals by Elsevier

Answer Book: answers.sty (3.15)
To make an answer book

Answer Book: ans.sty (3.15)
To make an answer book

Answer Book: exercise.sty (3.15)
To make an answer book

Examination Paper: exam.sty (3.15)
To make an examination paper

Recipe: recipe.sty (3.15)
To make a recipe (cooking) book

Resume: resume.sty (3.15)
To write a personal record

Vita: vita.sty (3.15)
To write a personal record

Schedule: schedule.sty (3.15)
To write a simple schedule table

JJAP: jjap.sty (?)
Style file for publication in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Society

Page Size: pagesize.sty (S2.1)
To set the page size

Double Space: setspace.sty (S2.1)
To set spacings for double-spaced documents

Information in Header: fwlw.sty (S2.2)
To put some information of the page in the header

Manual Page: unixman.sty (S2.4)
To make manual pages like UNIX's man-pages

Letter Head with Logo: tohoku.sty (S2.4)
To include logos in letter head, fax-sheet etc.

4. Title

One-Column in Two-Column: 1-in-2.sty (4.3)
To put one-column footnote, abstract and keywords in two-column documents

5. Table of Contents

Table of Contents in each Chapter: minitoc.sty (5.5)
To put tables of contents at the beginning of each chapter in book style

7. Main Body

Emphasis of Paragraph: drop.sty (7.1)
To let the first character of the paragraph big

Emphasis of Paragraph: egdrop.sty (7.1)
To let the first character of the paragraph big

Indentation and Margins: indent.sty (7.1)
To set indentation and/or margins of each paragraph

Shape of Paragraph: shapepar.sty (7.1)
To typeset paragraphs in a specific shape

Paragraph Number: numberpar.sty (7.1)
To put number at the beginning of each paragraph

Long Underlines: ulem.sty (7.2)
To make it possible to span underlines, wavy underlines and scratch-out onto several lines

Long Underlines in Japanese Documents: juline.sty (7.2)
To make it possible to span underlines onto several lines

Scratch-Out in Japanese Documents: strike.sty (7.2)
To put scratch-out marks on characters

Wavy Underline: undtilde.sty (7.2)
To put tilde underneath characters

Double Underline: uuline.sty (7.2)
To put double underlins

Multi-Columns: multicol.sty (7.3)
To mix one-column and two-column parts in one document or to set more-than-three-column documents

Bilingual Documents: multicolpar.sty (7.3)
Every consecutive two paragraphs (possibly written in different languages) are typeset side-by-side in two-column mode

Ruby: nruby.sty (7.4)
To attach ruby

Spacing after Italic: italic.sty (7.5)
To adjust spacing after italic word

German: german.sty (7.7)
To assist easier input of German

French: french.sty (7.7)
To assist easier input of French

Russian: sscyr.sty (7.7)
To assist easier input of Russian

Multiple-Lines verbatim: path.sty (7.8)
To make long verbatim in multiple-lines possible

Command in verbatim Environment: alltt.sty (7.8)
To activate commands in verbatim environment

Command in verbatim Environment: astyped.sty (7.8)
To activate commands in verbatim environment

Comment-Out: version.sty (7.9)
To comment out some parts of documents

Comment-Out: comment.sty (7.9)
To comment out some parts of documents

End Notes: endnote.sty (7.10)
To move footnotes to the end of the document

End Notes: endnotes.sty (7.10)
To move footnotes to the end of the document

End Floats: endfloat.sty (7.10)
To move floats to the end of the document

Parallel Footnotes: fnpara.sty (7.10)
To align short footnotes on the same line

Hanging Indent: hanging.tex (7.10)
To allow hanging indent for long footnotes

Footnotes in tabular Environment: ftn.sty (7.10)
To activate footnotes output in tabular environment

Footnotes at the Right: ftnright.sty (7.11)
To put all the footnotes at the right column in two-column documents

Program Listing: verbatimfiles.sty (7.13)
To show program listings

C Program Listing: cprog.sty (7.13)
To show C program listings neatly

Algorithm: algorithms.sty (7.14)
To show the flow of algorithm

Algorithm: algorithm.sty (7.16)
To show the flow of algorithm

Program Listing: program.sty (7.16)
To assist program listing

Long verbatim: url.sty (S3.1)
To allow long verbatim such as long URL's

Framing Lines: keisen.sty (S3.2)
To make framed documents

Symposium Program: tasklist.sty (S3.3)
To output some kind of task lists and symposium programs

Emphasis of Paragraph: dropcaps.sty (S3.4)
To let the first character of the paragraph big

Cross-Reference between Files: xr.sty (S3.5)
To make the cross-reference between different documents possible

8. Mathematics

Subequation: subeqn.sty (8.1)
To put sub-numbering to multi-line equations

Subequation: subeqnarray.sty (8.1)
To put sub-numbering to multi-line equations

Subequation: manyeqns.sty (8.1)
eqnarray environment with sub-numbering

Cases: cases.sty (8.1)
To use wub-numbering and big brace to express cases

Leaders: dot-eqns.sty (8.2)
To add leaders between equation and its number

Matrix: tpmatrix.tex (8.4)
A tip to code matrices

Matrix Expression: delarray.sty (8.4)
To set alignment between matrices

Big Horizontal Braces: ovudbraces.sty (8.5)
To divide a part of equation by putting big braces above or below it

Real Number Calculation: eclarith.sty (8.8)
To calculate real numbers

Chemistry: chemtex.sty (8.9)
To assist input of chemical formulae

Chemistry: chemstruct.sty (8.9)
To assist input of chemical formulae

Adjustable Right-Arrows: dchem.sty (8.9)
Adjustable Right-Arrow with strings above and below it

Symbols in AmSTeX: amssymbols.sty (8.12)
To use symbols in AmSTeX

Integral Sign: bigint.sty (8.13)
Bigger and upright integral sign

Area Integral: multiint.sty (8.13)
Double integral sign with a character below

Closed Area Integral: Ointint.sty (8.13)
To show a closed area integral sign

Black-Board Fonts: pmbb-sym.sty (8.14)
To use black-board type of fonts without any extra installation

Cummutative Diagram: cd.sty (8.15)
Cummutative diagram

Cummutative Diagram: diagram.sty (8.15)
Cummutative diagram

Cummutative Diagram: diagrams.sty (8.15)
Cummutative diagram

Flow of Proof: proof.sty (8.16)
To draw flow chart for proof

Approximate Inequality: ltgtsim.sty (?)
To show an approximate inequality sign

Cases: cases-2e.sty (?)
Cases in LaTeX2e?

Settings in Math: mathtech.sty (S4.1)
To adjust some settings in math mode

Division: longdiv.sty (S4.2)
To show division process

Real Number Calculation: fp.sty (S4.3)
To calculate real numbers

Multiple Super-Dots: ddot.sty (S4.4)
To put multiple super-dots above characters

Cross-Reference Check: refcheck.sty (?)
To find out labels unreferred

9. List Environment

Symbols in Labels of enumerate: enumerate.sty (9.1)
To add symbols in labels of enumerated items

Symbols in Labels of enumerate: enumspec.sty (9.1)
To add a symbol in front of enumerated items

Adjustment of list environment: jeep.sty (9.2)
An example of adjustment of list environments

10. Floats (Figures and Tables)

Hanging Indent of Caption: hangcaption.sty (10.1)
To use hanging indentation in caption

Specific Position of Floats: here.sty (10.2)
To force position of figures/tables

Float Frame: wrapfig.sty (10.4)
To open a frame for floats in the text body

Float Frame: wrapfloat.sty (10.4)
To open a frame for floats in the text body

Float Frame: cut.sty (10.4)
To open a frame for floats in the text body

Float Frame: picinpar.sty (10.4)
To open a frame for floats in the text body

Float Frame: floatfig.sty (10.4)
To open a frame for floats in the text body

Float Frame: picins.sty (10.4)
To open a frame for floats in the text body

Long Table: supertab.note (10.5)
To span a long table onto multiple pages

Long Table: supertabular.sty (10.5)
To span a long table onto multiple pages

Long Table: supertabular-longtable.tex (10.5)
Usage of supertabular and longtable

Long Table: longtable.sty (10.5)
To span a long table onto multiple pages

Long Table: bigtabular.sty (10.5)
To span a long table onto multiple pages

Simple Flow Chart: smallgrf.sty (10.6)
To draw a simple flow chart for algorithm

Flow Chart: Flow.sty (10.6)
To draw a flow chart

Flow Chart: fchart.sty (10.6)
To draw a flow chart

Tree: ecltree.sty (10.6)
To draw a vertical tree diagram

Tree: tree.sty (10.6)
To draw a horizontal tree diagram

Tree: eclclass.sty (10.6)
To draw a horizontal tree diagram

Bar Graph: bar.sty (10.6)
To draw a bar graph

Bar Graph: bargraph.tex (10.6)
Usage of bar.sty

Vertical Dash Line: arydshln.sty (10.7)
To use vertical dash lines in tabular

Decimal Point Alignment: dectab.sty (10.9)
To align decimal points in a table

Decimal Point Alignment: decalign.sty (10.9)
To align decimal points in a table

Decimal Point Alignment: dcolumn.sty (10.11)
To align decimal points in a table

Width of Table: tabularx.sty (10.10)
To set width of table

Improvement of Tables: array.sty (10.11)
To improve input for table environment

Improvement of Tables: mz5array.tex (10.11)
To improve input for table environment

Diagonal Line in Top-Left Cell: slashbox.sty (10.12)
To set a diagonal line in the top-left cell of a table

Subnumbering for Figures: subfigure.sty (10.13)
To use subnumbering for figures

Subnumbering for Floats: subfloat.sty (10.13)
To use subnumbering for floats

New Float: float.sty (10.14)
To define a new float environment

Xbitmap Data: bitmap.sty (10.15)
To show Xbitmap data as a symbol

Drawing with METAFONT: drawing.sty (10.15)
To draw pictures by METAFONT

EPS File: epsf.sty (10.15)
To set an EPSF picture in the page

epic: epic.sty (10.15)
extended picture environment (bug-fix version)

eepic: eepic.sty (10.15)
extended epic environment with TPIC (bug-fix version)

Emulation of eepic: ecleepic.sty (10.15)
To emulate TPIC commands like eepicemu.sty for device-independent output

eepicsup: eepicsup.sty (10.16)
addition of new TPIC commands used in dviout/prt onto eepic.sty

More Floats: morefloats.sty (10.18)
To relax maximum number of floats in a page

Usage of Qfig and Gra2eepic: oekaki.tex (?)
Usage of a drawing soft Qfig and a graphic-data converter Gra2eepic

Lines in Tables: hhline.sty (?)
To add more flexibility to the lines in tables

Extension of picture Environment: curves.sty (?)
To extend picture environment independently to devices and drivers

Shading in Table: sha.sty (S5.1)
To put shading in cells of tables (device independent)

Spacing in Table: tabls.sty (S5.2)
To adjust spacing in tabular environment

Multi-Row Cell: multirow.sty (S5.3)
To make a multi-row cell easily in a table

Brace in Table: bigbrace.sty (S5.3)
To use braces in a multi-row cell

Extension of picture Environment: pmgraph.sty (S5.4)
To extend picture environment independently to devices and drivers

11. Boxes

Paragraph in the Box: boxit.sty (11.1)
To put paragraphs in the box

minipage in the Box: boxedminipage.sty (11.2)
To enclose minipage environment in a box

Rounded Box: loval.sty (11.3)
To enclose a string in a rounded box

Rounded Box: oval.sty (11.3)
To enclose a string in a rounded box with extra fonts created by METAFONT

Rounded Box: ascmac.sty (11.4)
To enclose a string in a rounded box

Box with Title: tboxit.sty (11.5)
To surround a box of strings and put a title above it

Floats in the Box: bigbox.sty (11.6)
To put floats in the box

Shaded Boxes: shadow.sty (11.7)
To put lines of strings into a box with shadow

Shading: shadedbx.sty (11.8)
To put shading on strings using TPIC specials

Shading: shadebox.sty (11.8)
To put shading on strings

Rotation of Strings: tpicrot.sty (11.9)
To rotate strings using TPIC specials

Framing of Paragraphs across Pages: eclbkbox.sty (11.10)
To frame paragraphs which span multiple pages

Cropmark: cropmark.sty (11.11)
To put cropmarks in the margins

Grid and Cropmarks: pageframe.sty (11.11)
To put grid and cropmarks in the page

Many Boxes: fancybox.sty (11.11)
To put a string, lines of strings and one page into a framed box with patterns such as shadow etc.

12. References and Citations

Citation Number at Superscript: overcite.sty (12.1)
To put citation numbers at the superscript

Sorting Citations: cite.sty (12.3)
To sort citation numbers

Bibliography in each Chapter: chapterbib.sty (12.4)
To put bibliography listing in each chapter of the book

Bibliography in each Chapter: bibunits.sty (12.4)
To put bibliography listing in each chapter of the book

Bibliography in each Chapter: bibperinclude.sty (12.4)
To put bibliography listing in each chapter of the book

Chicago Style: chicago.sty (12.6)
To use Chicago style of bibliography and citation

Index and Glossary: index.sty (12.7)
To include many index listings

Reference Check: refcheck.sty (?)
To find out labels unreferenced etc.

Harvard Style: harvard.sty (?)
To use Harvard style of bibliography and citation

13. Useful Macros

Date: ukdate.sty (13.1)
To express date in British way

Week: weekday.sty Error occurs after 200 year. Hope someone fix it.(13.1)
To output week

Date: austdate.sty (13.1)
To express date in Austrarian way

Date and Time: daytime.sty (13.2)
To output date and time at compilation

Time: time.sty (13.2)
To output time at compilation

Time: mickeytime.sty (13.2)
To let Mickey-Mouse clock express time

Ordinal Number: ordinalno.sty (13.5)
To express ordinal number as, for example, 1st and 2nd

Comma in Number: sumofmoney.sty (13.6)
To put commas in number at every 3-digit

Comma in Number: numbersty.sty (13.6)
To put commas in number at every 3-digit or convert it into hexadecimal number

Covered Binding: 2up.sty (13.8)
To put two-pages into one page to make covered binding

OHP Transparency: eslides.sty (13.9)
To make OHP transparencies

OHP Transparency: lslide.sty (13.9)
To make OHP transparencies

OHP Transparency: seminar.sty (13.9)
To make OHP transparencies with many options

Poster: poster.tex (13.10)
To make a poster with A4 size printer output

Output Page: selectp.sty (13.11)
To specify the page to be output at compilation

Hexadecimal Number: hex.tex (?)
To express numbers in hexadecimal

Calendar: eclcalen.sty (?)
To make a calendar

doc to style files: docstrip.tex (?)
To extract style files and other documents from doc file in Meinz projedt

Covered Binding: leaflet.sty (S2.3)
Several options for covered bindings

Calendar: calprog.sty (S3.6)
To make a calendar

14. Fonts

My Fonts Sub-Directory
To jump to the sub-directory for fonts

Boldface Sans Selif: bsf.sty (14.2)
To use boldface sans selif fonts

Non Standard Fonts Settings: fontfam.lzh (14.2)
To activate size settings for non-standard fonts

Italic Sans Selif: isf.sty (14.2)
To use italic sans selif fonts

Emphasis by Slanted Chars: slem.sty (14.2)
To show emphasized strings by slanted font

Extra Characters: sprite.sty (14.4)
To output extra characters which are not defined in the ordinary character tables

Symbol Table: symbols.tex (14.6)
Symbol table with AmSTeX fonts

Standard Symbols: latexsymbols.tex (14.6)
List of standard symbols in LaTeX

Quote by Inch Symbol: quote.sty (14.7)
To convert a pair of inch symbols into quotation marks

Logo Marks in TeX: texnames.sty (14.8)
Logo Marks in TeX

Bar Code: bc128.sty (S6.2)
To create bar codes

Key Board: keybox.sty (S6.3)
To create key-board marks

Extra Characters: xbmkanji.sty (S6.4)
To output extra characters which are not defined in the ordinary character tables using Xbitmap format or pattern format

Tetsuo Iwakuma
Tue May 4 13:36:01 JST 1999; Stardate [-30]2925.95