for site map.
Information of
Contents in Japanese: 因島大橋,伯方橋・大島大橋,大三島橋,多々羅大橋,来島大橋
Photos with * are taken by Dr. Nakazawa (or someone else); Mar 1997.
In-no-Shima Oh-hashi (250 + 770 + 250 = 1270)
Hakata-Ohshima Oh-hashi (140 + 560 + 140 = 840)
Anchorage in 1985 spring,
Tower and Vibration-Control Cable in 1985,
Saddle at the top of the Tower
Ohmishima-Bashi (328)
Tatara Oh-hashi (270 + 890 + 320 = 1480)
* very thin girder,
* enlarged image of the section,
* side span for counterweight,
Kurushima Oh-hashi's (No.1: 50 + 140 + 600 + 170 = 960,
No.2: 250 + 1020 + 245 = 1515,
No.3: 260 + 1030 + 280 = 1570)
* from No.1 bridge toward Nos. 2 and 3 bridges,
* from No.3 bridge toward Nos. 2 and 1 bridges,
* anchorage between Nos. 2 and 3 bridges,
* catwalk of No.1 bridge,
* saddle of No.1 bridge,
* cable band of No.1 bridge,
* on the catwalk,
Anchorage Tunnel at Imabari side of No.3 bridge in 1994 summer